InterVarsity responds to the California State Universities Decision not to recognize them

The California State University (CSU) system has issued a nondiscrimination policy that requires InterVarsity to allow non-Christians to be chapter leaders. InterVarsity has always required chapter leaders to agree to our Doctrinal Basis, a summary of basic, historic Christian beliefs. While InterVarsity invites and welcomes all students as participants, we believe a Christian group should have the right to expect and even require their leaders to be Christian””just as any student group, club or Greek organization should be able to require their leaders to be like-minded.

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship is now developing a new style of campus ministry on CSU campuses where we have been banned from participating in campus life as a recognized student organization. In order to maintain a ministry presence with 23 chapters on 19 CSU campuses, InterVarsity is introducing creative new ways to connect with students and share the gospel message””though doing so as an “unrecognized” student group will prove considerably more costly….

On most of the 616 college campuses across the U.S where InterVarsity has 949 chapters, our student ministry work will continue as it has for more than seven decades. Overall our annual reports from staff indicate that InterVarsity is sharing the gospel message with more students and faculty than at any other time in our 73-year history.

Read it all (emphasis theirs).


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One comment on “InterVarsity responds to the California State Universities Decision not to recognize them

  1. SC blu cat lady says:

    Excellent! I am glad they are taking this as an opportunity for even better ministry but in new ways. The CSU system can plan to stamp out Christianity from its campuses but it won’t work.